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Stop what you’re doing and put your kale in the microwave!

Raw Kale
Kale chips

Kale is a great vegetable and a good source of vitamins for us veggies and vegans, but let’s be honest it’s not the most exciting food on the planet. Until you put it in the microwave. This is not a drunk 4 in the morning idea like putting cheese on Weetabix and baking it. If you put kale in the microwave for long enough it dries up and goes into crunchy crisps. You can buy kale chips at an extortionate price in the supermarket or you can buy a bag of fresh kale and make them yourself. All you need to do is drizzle a little olive oil over a bowl of cut curly kale and sprinkle on some salt. It takes around 3 minutes in the microwave but keep an eye on it for burning. As long as you’re not too heavy with the oil and salt you have yourself a yummy snack that’s healthy because it’s carb free and made from a vegetable. You can also bake it in the oven for a similar result, maybe 15 minutes or so on 180 degrees Celsius, but I found it burns much quicker in the oven and I got better results from the microwave.

Top tip: remove the stems of the kale first, as I found out today the leaves go crispy, but the stems burn (I may have accidentally set the kale on fire before I realised this, twice. Ok I set it on fire three times and then worked out to take the stems off, but the point is I worked it out eventually).

Why would you want to eat Kale in the first place? Well it’s incredibly low calorie, high in fibre, iron and vitamin A, C, K and even calcium. Which is why it’s known as a superfood. There’s even an entire website just about this one vegetable. So why not give it a try? I’ve eaten three whole bowls of homemade kale chips today so the super powers from all the vitamins should kick in any minute now. I’m assuming I should at least get better senses and potentially the ability to stay awake through an entire law lecture, although maybe that’s a little too much to ask for.

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