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Our view: The right way to promote veganism

I’m not a vegan, but I respect those who have decided to become a vegan. It’s a big life decision and it takes a lot of work and is often done with the best of intentions.

I enjoy debating and listening to other people’s points of view, we are all different and we need to respect our differences.

What frustrates me is when people try to tell others how to think, or act, or live. This is the problem I have with many people who try to promote veganism.

About a month ago I was walking up Lincoln high street when I noticed a small gazebo had been set up beside the war memorial and people were hanging around it and handing out leaflets.

There is always a mix of people on Lincoln’s high street, you never know who to expect (a few times I have seen a storm trooper) but on that day it was a group of people promoting veganism.

I have no problem with people promoting veganism, and raising awareness about the lifestyles, we do that on this website, so it was not the fact that they were promoting veganism that I had a problem with.

I had a problem with the sign they hung on the gazebo, which said “If you love animals, you’ll be a vegan.”

A screenshot of a facebook post showing a poster promoting veganism by stating "being an animal lover means not eating them."

An example I found on Facebook of a similar message.

For me this statement is untrue, unfair, and rather judgemental. Many people may disagree with me on this, but hear me out.

I love animals and I know many other people who love animals and also eat meat. My best friends mum repeatedly saves animals that have been injured, nurses them back to health before releasing them. She once spent a week carefully feeding a pigeon that she had found hurt in her garden. How can you say that she doesn’t love animals, just because she eats meat?

At the start I said that I enjoy listening to other people’s points of view and I do, I have had many conversations with vegans about why they decided to go vegan and how they do it, because I was generally curious.

However when such a judgemental message as I saw in the high street is being advertised it makes me not want to listen to what the individuals have to say.

This is because I anticipate people who are going to judge my chosen lifestyle to not be vegan and tell me it’s wrong.

I would never do this to a vegan, I would never say “you should eat meat”, because it is not my place.

Spreading messages like they did stops the conversation. If you want people to become vegan then you need to do it in a way that will encourage people to listen.

There has been a significant increase in the number of people on Instagram sharing vegan food that looks absolutely delicious.

This is a positive way to promote veganism, because it shows people that the food can be delicious and healthy.

Once people are encouraged to try the food, the conversation about the other benefits of veganism can start, and people will listen with more of an open mind.

I accept there are many benefits to veganism, but at this moment in my life I don’t want to be a vegan. So I don’t want people telling me I should and judging me for not agreeing with them, especially as I would never do this to them.

Ultimately what I’m trying to say is that if you want people to become vegan because you feel that passionately about it, then spread positive messages, that way people will come to you with an open mind and be more open to change.

Please don’t judge and spread hate, people won’t listen and will become judgmental in return which will be a step backwards rather than a step forwards.

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