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Dairy free baileys experiments

A bottle of dairy free baileys liqueur

I forked out the £16 so I could try Baileys for the first time ever! I have to say it was not the life changing experience I thought it would be. I'd never tried it before so I just poured a glass and had a gulp, it was a lot stronger than I thought it would be and I could stand it. I was furious I'd spent so much on something I didn't even like so I thought I would get creative and use it in the kitchen.

Experiment Number 1 - brownies

I made Betty Crocker brownies but replaced the water with baileys. The result was the most rock hard brownies ever made. Not a success.

Experiment Number 2 - Fudge

OK this one actually turned out SUPER tasty, the only problem was the texture. They are very squidgy, as in I couldn't get them out of the tray so I decided to roll them into little balls. A kitchen covered in chocolate later they didn't look too bad but needed to be kept in the freezer to stay solid. I Made my own condensed milk for this one by putting a whole tin of coconut milk and 150g of white sugar, all you have to do is put these in a pan on a high heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then leave the pan on a medium heat for 30mins without stirring and then put into a jar. Can't believe how easy this was, I don't have to avoid recipes with condensed milk anymore, which is actually more exciting than the baileys fudge.

If you've tried normal baileys then I am sure you'll be a fan of this one but if like me you've never tried it before, maybe spend the money on a decent bottle of wine instead!

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